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Sasha Meret

A Balance between Ideas and Emotions

Award winning multi-media artist Sasha Meret was born in Romania in 1955. He attended the Fine Arts high school N. Tonitza and graduated the Economic Studies Academy in Bucharest. In February 1987 he moved to New York City , where he studied Printmaking with Tony Harrison, at Columbia University .

From the very beginnings in his career as an artist he was ready to experiment with a wide range of materials and techniques. Painting, drawing, photography intersected with printmaking techniques like: intaglio, woodcut, aquatint or mono-type. Working in a variety of styles, from representational to abstract his imagery reflected his spiritual explorations, blending European, African, Asian, and esoteric symbolism in a highly personal visual language. He alternates figuration with abstraction in search for a balance between ideas and emotions. His main sources are his extensive readings on a wide variety of subjects as History, Mythology, Philosophy, Religion Literature and Physics.

In 2003 he was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease. After the initial shock he rallied, refocused and his work took a very surprising turn. Realizing that when he is in a creative mode his PD symptoms practically disappeared, his output increased. A combination of a large studio offered by a benefactor and a very generous subsidy from one of his collectors allowed him working and experimenting in a wide variety of media. This brought him a prestigious CODA video award for concept in 2014.

His range of materials and techniques widened and sculpture/assemblages with found objects and photography became dominant in the recent years. Keeping his works together for years transformed his studio into an ever evolving Installation/Environment. In his work Meret tackles theories, concepts, and historical events, concurrently reversing perspective or reinterpreting facts until the world surrounding him becomes a little more reachable.

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